Presently every single person surfs the internet and have social accounts on almost every social media platform so there is an opportunity to showcase your products and services in a simple way and there are many chances to get potential leads and increased amount of traffic with the help of SEO expert in Islamabad.
At the same time Search Engine Optimization looks into the technical aspects of any online business website, which Search Engine looks for and should be correct be according to it that is on page optimization and off page optimization techniques like keyword research, title and meta tag optimization, ALT tag optimization and other meta tags optimization, link building without spamming, responsiveness of website that how much a website is user friendly while they surf through any other device then PC, Competitive analysis etc. Most of the people think that this thing doesn't work anymore, but it is not the reality, in actual SEO is a process which never ends, it simply means that how professionally you can optimize your website so it looks perfect in the eyes of search engines and hence result in SERPs. So it is realized that both SEO and Social media are important for online businesses from every aspect, in order to make business reliable and authorized in the eyes of Search Engines as well as the audience.